Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Old House + 2 Little Boys = Disaster

I've been wanting to start this blog for a while now. I wasn't sure where to start. In light of the events that just took place, I think this is it!

Our house is an older home. It was built in the mid 50's, and was very well built. When we bought it only one other family had ever lived here. It had been well taken care of, so we didn't have to do any major renovations, just update everything cosmetic. But now, 6 years later, some things are starting to show some wear.

Like the knob on the master bathroom door. Ok, the whole master bathroom, but thats another post. Mike and I just had a talk about the knob. It sticks, and we were worried that one of the boys would get locked in there.

I dont't think we realized how soon it would happen.

I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner tonight and heard Macon yelling at me from the back of the house. I finally found him in out bathroom. I'm still not sure why he was in there instead of his own (he's 5...we may never understand). Sure enough he's not only shut the door and the knob is stuck, he also locked the door.

Apparently the lock broke too.

I tried to no avail to get it all unstuck. I called Mike, my granddad and anyone else I could think of and got no one. So my next thought was to take the knob off. It came off really easy. Macon and I were both getting excited! Too bad the lock wouldn't budge. We tried for 10 minutes to get it to move.

I decided I was going to have to kick the door in.

All 5 foot of me.
(Go ahead and get your visual. I'm sure it would have been a great YouTube post. Too bad Kegan can't work the camera yet.)

This is where the old house comes in handy. Along with all those years of dance and soccer. (Thank you Kara Guinn!!!). The door kicked in after only a few kicks. And the door didn't even break. Only one board in the door frame.

Here's a few pics of the aftermath.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

brings back memories of my childhood! haha